Ahhhhh! Dumb Injury Time

(warning. something BAD is going to happen in this post. so, if you are squeamish, scroll down and listen to the song in the video. it’s really good.)

Since I do all sorts of crafty things like sewing and cross stitch and embroidery and I never wear shoes inside (read that warning above. you know what’s about to happen. you can still just scroll down.) I am always super aware of when anything dangerous drops on the ground.

That changed on Thursday. I had my airpods in and I was listening to music and just cleaning away. I moved a box that had some embroidery hoops and some projects in it, walked a couple of steps and… there was a stabbing pain in my foot. I looked down to see this HUGE tapestry needle poking out of the bottom of my foot, like, right in the center- in the arch. Ohohohohhhoooo man. It makes me cringe thinking about it. I had to get out a ruler afterwards when I texted my sister to share in my moment of stressing the heck out. This thick needle was 2 1/4 inches long and it went straight in about an inch and a half. Ahhhaaaahaaaa. I am so sorry to bring this up.


The reason I wanted to share this story- besides, you know, teaching craft room safety- was that it was a moment where I think I had the perfect soundtrack. Not that I was listening to a song about craft injuries. This whole thing happened at a very intense point in the song (at about 4:25 into the video I’m about to share) and I didn’t cry or scream when it happened- I had Glenn Hughes there to scream for me. haha. I just said “OOOooooh man. How was this even possible?” And I could have been talking about the injury or this amazing song.

Stay safe.


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